
August Update

by admin

We have had a busy time since our last update.  All the silage was made and the sheep shearing completed during a very hectic week at the start of August – very early mornings and late nights, fortunately the weather was excellent.  We had our local agricultural show on the 3rd August (Carloway Show is held on the first Wednesday of August each year), but due to other committments we did not enter any livestock this year but the trophies were all polished and returned so maybe we will win them back next year.  We will be weaning the lambs from the ewes in the next few weeks and hope to sell some of the lambs at the auction mart in Stornoway.  The peats have all been lifted and are ready to come home – all the hard work is forgotten about in the winter when you are sitting with your feet up in front of a peat fire with a wee dram!

August 2011
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